Rabbit and Rose

beaded rabbit

Where Wings once were

Oh tender spots,
Sore ribs meeting
aching blades
Her handsense
Lands where
Wings once were

Suspended as a pair of retired
Ballet slippers
Wings hang like musty air
Thick and still
In that attic spine of memory...
Hang from a rusty hook
Heft of feathers gray as
Ballet slipper ribbons
Frayed and worn
Wings, whisper-filled vestiges
Long to beat their legato score
Tracing movements
sweeping, stirring, shooing. . .
Dust off your dreams.

Zigi Lowenberg

contents of issue 8

Linda Rodriguez

The Healing Soup
Jaunita Pahdopony

Army of Artists
Raymond Nat Turner

Where Wings once were
Zigi Lowenberg

What they don't tell you when they tell you about cancer
James Mackay

Ghosts Floating on the Flat White Bed
Erika T. Wurth

Remission Dawning
Stephany JT Russell

Fire Garden
Suha Hassan

Zigi Lowenberg Biography

Zigi Lowenberg is a poet, performer and co-leader in the seminal jazzpoetry ensemble, UpSurge! She currently lives with her husband and creative partner in Harlem and Oakland. More about her @ZigarinaZigi and upsurgejazz.
